This one is for my Cheugs (and my millennials who are in denial about being cheugy)! So, will rest of you just leave so we can reminisce about the 90s without your judgement? Now that it’s just us, let’s talk about the legendary Friday night line up on ABC, also known as TGIF! It has come to my attention that a few years ago, Hulu brought back a ton of TGIF shows to stream. Some of them have moved to different streaming services so I tracked them down. What for you might ask? Well for a TGIF themed Date Night! (or an Alone Night, or a Friend Night.) I’ve compiled a list of some of the popular sitcoms from the peak time of TGIF and listed the places you can stream them. I’ve come up with some snack options and even offer you an authentic TGIF line up from 1997. Shows & Where to Stream Them Boy Meets World - Disney Plus Dinosaurs - Disney Plus Family Matters - Hulu Full House - Hulu Hangin’ With Mr Cooper - Hulu Perfect Strangers - Hulu Sabrina - Hulu / Paramount Sister, Sister - Hulu / Paramount / Amazon Prime Step by Step - Hulu Two of a Kind - Couldn't find it anywhere! (if anyone can tell me where to watch MK&A anything let me know) I apologize now if you aren't subscribed to Hulu because this post seems like a tease. But you can still create a two hour block if you have the other streaming services, though! (if you don't have any of these streaming site, check YouTube. There's a lot of TGIF content) Tonight isn't about being accurate, it's about the vibes. I'm literally wearing a scrunchie while writing this (I'm also watching Sabrina.) Have fun with it! If you don't like Family Matters, you can swap it with another show! You can watch 4 episodes of Boy Meets World for all I care! However, if you're wanting a true blue line up, the one from Spring of 1997 is below. I've also come up with my ideal TGIF line up. Line Up - 1997 Spring Family Matters Boy Meets World Sabrina Step By Step Emma’s Ideal Line Up Sister, Sister Boy Meet World Hangin With Mr Cooper Sabrina the Teenage Witch Snacks A night watching TGIF reminds me of pizza, potato chips, and soda. But this is date night, so we have to class it up a bit. Might I suggest a 90s themed charcuterie board. Hear me out, what is a charcuterie board if it’s not just a grown up lunchable? Here are some suggestions. Meats & Cheeses
I hope you have a super fun date night! Maybe even bump some Britney Spears while getting everything together. Let me know in the comments below what your ideal line up would be! And let me see pictures of your adult lunchable set ups!
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I'm not sure how, but I made it out of the 90's without ever seeing Scream. Since this week is Halloween I thought I would give it a watch and take you along for the ride. • Don't judge me but, I didn’t know until this year that Drew Barrymore was in this movie. • So is this where the, “Do you like scary movies?” thing originally came from? I only ever saw it parodied! • No joke, I just got a call from an unknown number!!! Maybe I should turn the lights on! • She’s JUST now locking the doors? Amateur move! And stop answering the phone! • Oh no! He got the boyfriend! This was really well thought out! This is my nightmare! • Geez, way to spoil who the killer is in Friday the 13th! • Her parents finding her hanging from the tree gave me a lump in my throat. This is going to be a rollercoaster • Sidney Prescott looks exactly like the 90's. • Where my Riverdale fans at? I had no idea Jughead's dad was in this movie. He looks good! • Wait! Ugh, why men great till they gotta be great? Stop pressuring her! Her dad was literally just in there. • Fonzie is the principle?! Fonzie is in this? • They are talking SO calmly about these murders. • Shaggy from the Scooby Doo Movies and Jamie Kennedy (right?) are in this, too? I had no idea. • Oh, yikes Shaggy is kind of a creep and Jamie Kennedy is the classic 90s nerd. He'll get killed first right? • The Prescott’s have an amazing house. • Oh no! That’s how her mother died?! That’s terrible! Okay, so we got a serial killer on our hands, noted. • Don’t go to the video store first, Tatum! Pick up Sidney! There’s a killer on the loose! Tom Cruise’s peep can wait! • Okay, here we go, the phone is ringing again. Why doesn't anyone own any blinds or curtains?! • Yup, I'm scared. • Of course, because she mentions horror movies where they run up the stairs instead of out the door, she ends up running up the stairs instead of out the door! Idiot! • She called 911 on her computer? Could you do that in the 90s? Could I do that now? • *Gasps* Billy? • She’s so convinced Billy is the Killer she’s willing to run back through the house? No thanks! • “Let me ask you this, what are you doing with a cellular telephone, son?” What a time to be alive! • Okay, this detective work is so WEAK! I'm stressed. • That yellow power suit Courtney Cox has on is no good. Oh, and she plays the bad guy? • Tatum just said Billy was destined to have a flaw. A FLAW? He might be a serial KILLER! • Oh no the phone is ringing! So it can't be Billy, right? • I’m just gonna say it, Sidney shouldn’t have to go to school today. Last night was a lot! • Sidney and Gale’s conversation leaves me with so many questions. If they murders were all linked wouldn't Sidney have seen Cotton in the costume, and not a jacket? • Billy is back at school, too? And is he for real? He may not be a killer, but he’s a real jerk. • Whoa, is Principle Fonzie The Killer? These knife sound effects are freaking me out! • Why are Cheerleaders always so mean in the movies? • SERIOUSLY? The Killer is in the bathroom, too? Or was that a prank? • They canceled school? Isn't that supposed to be the safest place? • Is this where Courtney Cox and David Arquette met? • It’s not a 90s Movie without a party! What an awful time to throw a party. How insensitive! • “It could be fun” are famous last words! • The janitor is dressed like Freddy Krueger, right? • NOOO! Not Principal Fonzie! I should have never accused him! Once you accuse someone they always end up dying! This one hurt. • Lol at the Richard Gere and the gerbil reference. But really, is it true or not? • A video store! *heart eyes emoji” • Shaggy/Stu has little teeth. You can’t trust people with little teeth. That’s actually rule #1. • I’m enjoying the “If this were a scary movie…” bit. (It’s making that scary episode of Boy Meets World make so much more sense to me.) • LIKE NO ONE SEES THE KILLER IN THE GROCERY STORE FOLLOWING SIDNEY?! • The calls came from her dad? Is The Killer her dad? Did I just seal his fate? • How embarrassing would it be to get dropped off at a party in a cop car? • Gale Weathers is SCUM. Leave Sidney alone! • Oh no, Tatum is alone. Why does everyone assume it’s Randy playing a prank? Oof The Killer got her! That kill had Final Destination vibes. • Boo, go home Billy! • Okay, I'm hating the Sidney and Billy stuff (you're better than that, girl), but I'm loving Randy's Horror Film Rules.. • This must be why people like this movie so much. It’s not taking itself too serious, but it’s still pretty scary! • Dewy and Gale, sittin’ in a ditch, K-I-S-S-I-N-G • SEE YA NEVER BILLY! • Billy wins for most dramatics death scene. • Jump, Sidney, jump! Run, Sidney, run! • Where's Dewy? Like, you had one job! • Randy accidentally describing his own almost murder is funny, but also so suspenseful! • No the delay, the delay! Oh my gosh, he killed Kenny! • Gale crashing the van makes me so mad! You ruin everything! • NO, NOT DEWY • Randy vs. Stu! It’s definitely Stu, right? • Billy’s alive?! I don't like this, not one bit! • WAIT. It was Billy??? AND Stu??? - Please actually be lovers! • So many Sharon Stone references? • Okay, at least the dad is sill alive!! • I’m supposed to be laughing at Stu, right? I can't take him serious! • Alright, Sidney turning the tables! But how did she have the time to untie her dad, grab the phone and voice changer, put on the costume, and hide? • They just keep popping back up! When will they die?! • Okay, okay, Gale Weathers is not total scum. After watching the whole movie, I'm left with so many questions I can only hope the next 4 sequels will answer. I hope you all have a safe and fun Halloween! Be sure to go out and vote!
We’re settling into the second week of October, so naturally it’s time to binge watch some spooky TV shows. I hope you have nothing to do this weekend because I’ve put together a list of some great ones that you can stream right now. The Twilight Zone - Netflix / CBS All Access
The Haunting of Hill House - Netflix
X-Files - HuluRatched - Netflix
Black Mirror - Netflix
The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina - Netflix
The Simpson’s Treehouse of Horror - Disney+
It may not technically be fall yet, but it's never too early to get into the cozy SZN mood. I asked you guys earlier this week what movies give you all those ~Fall Feels~, so let's dive right in! 1. Stepmom - 1998 Julia Roberts tries to be stepmom to Susan Sarandon's kids. A little bit of a tear jerker, but you can’t miss out on the fall foliage. It’s breathtaking. 2. Remember the Titans - 2000 Based on the true story of the integration of T.C. Williams High School and their football team. Who doesn’t love a good underdog story? 3. St. Elmo's Fire - 1985 People really sleep on this movie! A coming-of-age story about 7 friends trying to figure out the real world after graduating from Georgetown University. It will make you want to wear baggy sweaters, and be in the Brat Pack. When Harry Met Sally... - 1989 THE ultimate Rom-Com. Set in New York, Harry and Sally find out if men and women can really just be friends. SPOILER ALERT! No, just kidding, I won’t spoil it for you. 5. Mystic Pizza - 1988 A sweet story set in Mystic, Connecticut about 2 sisters, their best friend, and a pizza place. Rotten Tomatoes describes it as this, “Mystic Pizza is like its namesake food: it's cheesy, topped with romance, and rises to the occasion.” (Also, if anyone can tell me how to download that song that's playing during the pool scene, that'd be great.) Honorable MentionedLegally Blonde - 2001 Yes, the beginning of the movie has Reese Witherspoon floating in a pool wearing a bikini, but the rest of the movie takes place in autumn at Harvard, and it’s gorgeous. Dead Poet's Society - 1989 Almost TOO sad to even suggest, but how can you resist autumn in Vermont? Even the movie poster has beautiful fall foliage. Did your favorite cozy time movie make the list? Let me know in the comments.
I'm posting this clip from The Sandlot simply because it makes me feel good. July 4th feels different this year. July 4th is different this year. The country is going through, and growing through something. You're a mess, but you're my mess. Happy Birthday America Since March 24th, the people of my city have been ordered to Stay Home. At the time, I didn’t know what that would mean for the city, or for the people. What I also didn’t know, was that I would end up watching 13 entire television series. THIRTEEN. That’s sixteen thousand, one hundred fifty three minutes of television. That adds up to 11 days. I’ve "Stayed Home" for 80 days, and 11 of them were JUST spent on television. That number only includes the shows I watched from start to finish. It doesn’t include the countless hours of News I've watched, or the all The Office mini marathons I've had (I'm watching The Office right now as I make this post). When I first had the idea for this post I thought it would be fun to write a review for each show, but then I did the math. After counting up the minutes, and realizing I spent 11 days watching television, (3 of those days are JUST Riverdale!!) I realized I’ve wasted A LOT of my time. So, instead of giving you a well thought out review, I’m just going to give you a sentence each. If you’ve seen any of these shows, give me your one sentence review in the comments! NetflixESPNNat Geo
HuluHBO Before I go, I just wanted to say thank you for reading this post. If you have any recommendations for other good shows, let me know!
Please be safe out there and please just do your best for the human race! |